Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How many ways are there to skin a fox?

Hi guys,

I had planned to do an update yesterday but I was tired....

So here are some updates first:
I'm back in school, and have the most laid back semester ever... I only have classes two days a week. These classes are Women in ancient Greece, Anthropology of Religion and Archaeozoology. I have noted that there is no way I can take note in class by hand, so I use my netbook and I also have a digital voice recorder in case I miss anything. Other than that things seem to be going well.

Now you might be wondering about the title of this entry... well it's because my first assignment for Archaeozoology is to prepare a specimen for our reference collection. By specimen I mean dead animal... and by prepare I mean deflesh completely. Now my brother-in-law's parents own a fox farm and skin them for their pelts... I know it sounds cruel, but at least I don't have to kill an animal on my own, and I don't have to skin it either. I am going to need help on this and have a friend who is willing to give me a hand.

Yesterday was my clinic and clinical trial visit to Sunnybrook which all seemed to go well, it was a long day... hence being tired, but I did get to ask some questions about some of the studies and research being done. 1st the discovery at Northwestern just confirmed things they already knew, but we were unaware of the mechanisms, and they were able to identify one. What this means is that the results of this study need to be duplicated with a larger sample size, then more research can be done.

2nd: A new gene for ALS has been identified, and it seems to be more invovled than S0D1, so that is exciting.

3rd: NP-001- is a promising drug, and is going into it's second stage clinical trial. Apparently this medication targets troubling macrophages. It has been fast tracked so if it does well in stage 2 it will be approved immediately.

I think that's about all I had to report. I do have some observations about religion and will think those through a little better before I write them out.

That's all for now,

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